Title: Gua Sha Facial Massager Set: Serpentine & Calcite for Lifting & De-Puffing
Description: Experience the rejuvenating power of this Gua Sha facial massager set, featuring a calcite roller and a serpentine Gua Sha tool. Perfect for face and décolletage, this set helps tone, lift, and de-puff your skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and dark circles. The unique shape of the Gua Sha tool is particularly effective in targeting under-eye puffiness. Simply cleanse your face, apply a hydrating serum or oil, and gently massage along your facial massage lines three times. For an extra toning effect, chill your massagers; for relaxation, warm them under warm water. Crafted from natural stone, variations in color and veining are to be expected. Each piece is unique. Includes: Serpentine Gua Sha tool and Calcite roller.