Title: 100% Water-Soluble Dry Herb Extract of Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) – 60 Capsules
Description: Lady’s Mantle (Alchemilla vulgaris) extract offers a wide range of potential benefits. This 100% water-soluble dry extract, in convenient 60 capsules (0.5g each), may support: upper respiratory health; improved intestinal motility; bladder health (cystitis, chronic pyelonephritis); management of internal bleeding; weight management; fluid retention; gut health (dysbiosis); venous insufficiency; wound healing (cuts, wounds, ulcers, acne, furunculosis); joint health (sprains, dislocations); cold and flu symptoms; nosebleeds; hemorrhoids; rheumatic conditions; gout; and migraine relief. This herbal medicine and natural remedy is a dietary supplement offered in easy-to-swallow capsules. Consult your healthcare professional before use. For optimal holistic health, consider incorporating this Alchemilla vulgaris herb extract into your daily routine. Learn more about the benefits of this water-soluble Lady’s Mantle extract.