Title: Diosmin & Hesperidin for Varicose Veins: Natural Venotonic Support (1000mg, 60 Tablets)
Enhanced Description
Experience relief from the discomfort of varicose veins and chronic venous insufficiency with Naturalis Diosmin & Hesperidin. This potent, all-natural dietary supplement combines 1000mg of Diosmin and Hesperidin per tablet, offering comprehensive support for your circulatory system.
Diosmin and Hesperidin are bioflavonoids known for their powerful venotonic effects. They work synergistically to:
- Strengthen vein walls: Reducing vein distensibility and improving their overall tone.
- Improve microcirculation: Enhancing blood flow and reducing swelling in the legs and feet.
- Reduce capillary fragility: Minimizing the risk of bruising and broken capillaries.
- Alleviate varicose vein symptoms: Providing relief from leg heaviness, aching, burning sensations, and swelling.
- Support lymphatic drainage: Reducing fluid retention and improving lymphatic circulation.
Naturalis Diosmin & Hesperidin is a safe and effective option for managing the symptoms of:
- Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI)
- Varicose veins
- Hemorrhoids
- Impaired microcirculation
- Capillary fragility
Each bottle contains 60 tablets (1.6g each), providing a convenient and effective way to support healthy venous and lymphatic function. Experience the difference of Naturalis – naturally supporting your circulatory health.